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In today’s quick-moving and tech-driven professional landscape, digital marketing is a must for small businesses. Establishing an online presence enables business owners to attract more interest and potential customers, both of which will drive word-of-mouth growth.

Even so, a number of small businesses don’t bother with digital marketing because they believe that advertising online isn’t worthwhile, cost-effective, or easy. To help these companies bring their excellent products and services to as many customers as possible, here’s a quick guide on the importance of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Allows Small Businesses to Connect With Customers

More than a few customers today prefer to connect with small businesses on social media, review websites, and other digital platforms. Quick messages exchanged through the services – possibly in coordination with brief advertisements run by business owners – go a long way towards establishing confidence in the company at hand.

This confidence and the overarching connection can then attract new patrons and keep brands front of mind for repeat customers. Also worth considering is that some tech-minded consumers will opt not to shop at a small business if it doesn’t spearhead digital marketing initiatives, possibly because they view offline operations as illegitimate.

Digital Marketing Enables Small Businesses to Address Negative Reviews

A strong digital marketing presence likewise enables small businesses to address negative reviews. Justified or not, poor feedback is unavoidable even for the top restaurants in the world, for instance, and it’s imperative that these and other establishments respond to criticism.

Short, friendly responses to negative reviews are components of a strong digital marketing program and can demonstrate that small businesses care about their reputations and their customers.

Digital Marketing Underscores Small Businesses’ Willingness to Answer Questions and Take Special Orders

Lastly, digital marketing is important for small businesses because it makes clear to their customers (and future customers) that the involved professionals are available to answer questions, take special orders, and respond to other messages.

A large portion of the population won’t bother giving a business (small or otherwise) their hard-earned money if its owners and/or employees are unavailable to talk online, and these communications are distinct from fun, attention-grabbing social-media posts. But by investing in digital marketing and fielding such messages, small business owners can reach customers that they would have otherwise missed out on.